Well, that was an exciting weekend, wasn’t it?
On Friday, along with a very small number of people, I watched the opening to the Hunger Games and learned of the American Carnage strewn among steel tombstones that dot our landscape as road signs along the way to hell.
Saturday I watched the largest protest in U.S. history in cities around our country and the world, or as Rush Limbaugh called it a bunch of babes marching in a Deranged Femanazi walk acting nuts and wearing a pink pussies on their heads.
Yes, Rush, that devilish propagandist with millions of listeners across the country is a pip, boy. He is just thoughtful, witty and really cares about the intelligence of his listener. You can tell that by the way he calls anyone who does not agree with his point of view names or teases them for going to therapy like he did with Ashley Judd yesterday. Yeah, that Rush is a real witty guy. Of course, when you have to fill up three hours a day, nuance must be tough.
But, if I learned anything over the last couple of days, it is that Rush and his minions fear freedom and dissent. The idea of freedom just freaks them out. Plus, if you point out to them that you do not agree them, they are wounded so badly that they just lash out with name-calling, accusations, veiled threats and charges of bullying.. For all their tough talk, question their position and they start spitting and spewing like a rabid bunny.
I have a few examples. Rush is the loudest of course. You should read the transcript of the show. He calls everyone who marched names and attacks them like they stomped on his puppy while marching through his living room. The venom drips off the page.
Then, later on Monday, Sean Spicer came out to the Press Corps and explained that what really got him all riled up on Saturday was that all the news organizations were being negative. He let us know that it gets so “demoralizing” to read negative things all the time. Really? Really? For the love of God this is the office of the leader of the free world and his team is upset because we have not given them a participation trophy? This comes after a year and a half of disabled mocking, pussy grabbing, Muslim and Mexican hating vile spewing out of their mouths only to find that one rough weekend throws them into a tailspin to depressed to get out of bed. What?
So, we have the media giant whose analytical skills are limited only by his ability to think of derogatory names. Then, we have the leader of the free world who gets bummed out because no one is being nice to him. That brings me to my mother’s cousin a follower of both.
.This arch-conservative cousin posted on my Facebook feed that just because people disagree about politics, they should never call each other names because name calling hurts. To illustrate her point, a letter written by another conservative that began “Dear Hypocrites” accompanied the post.
When I asked her if she found any irony in posting this plea not to call each other names with a letter that begins “Dear Hypocrites,” she said she did not use the word. When I pointed out that by posting the letter she did in fact use the word, gave it weight and used the letter to drive home her point about not calling people who disagree with you names, she wrote:
Accusing others of spreading hate when they are the ones doing it, to me is hypocritical. And, yes, I did forward it as written. So, I too can be labeled a hypocrite, should U choose to do so even though I have said that if written by me, I would not have used the term.
I think that sums up the weekend very nicely.