Shocked! They Bought the Department of Education

Shocked. I am shocked, I tell you. Betsy Devos, a woman with no practical experience and seemingly very little knowledge regarding public education is now our new Education Secretary. Like the seat of power in the free world, we value education so much that we have decided to put a person who knows nothing about the office in office.

What is truly shocking is that here on the day of her confirmation vote, Devos has already taught me something. She taught me, once and for all, that the Republican Senators do not even pretend to care about their constituents.

Over the last several days over a million calls a day were logged into the capital switchboard. The majority of those calls were people demanding that their Senator vote no for Devos. Millions of calls could not combat the millions of dollars the Devos family gave in campaign contributions to the Republicans. Somehow we are going to make America Great Again by dismantling public, free education for our children.

Devos,, a voucher toting, religious zealot, billionaire with nothing to show on her resume but the collapsed education system in Michigan deserves our scorn but not as much as the hypocritical, power-hungry, money taking Republican Senators who, once again, sold our children to the highest bidder. If just one Senator who had taken Devos moneys over the last few years had offered to recuse themselves from the vote for obvious conflict of interest reasons, I would not be able to paint with such a wide brush but, not one Senator had the guts to stand back from the vote.

Donny J. and his Merry Band of Corporate Raiders are dismantling the agencies they do not like. Every cabinet nominee is basically meant to be a placeholder in the dismantling, or corrupting of our agencies. We will be saying goodbye to the EPA, the Department of Education and other agencies while others have a fire sale to corporate interests.

At the moment, we have to watch in horror. The best thing is to have each and every one of those Senators, Congressman and sycophants stay very close to Donny J, no daylight at all. Why?

Donny J. will be impeached. If all goes well, the impeachment will begin in about 1.3 years just before the midterm elections. There is not much I can do about the confirmation hearings. There is a lot we can do about upcoming elections. I mean assuming we still get to vote.