Who We Are

Who are we?

We are a group of average, over-weight Americans. Some are middle-aged. Some are younger. Some are older. Some work. Some don’t. Some have savings. Some don’t.

We are Americans.

We are concerned.

We have a voice.

This site is dedicated to the premise that we, the American People have a Civic Duty to pay attention to our representatives, our media, our fellow Americans. We have a duty to think.


We hope to build a platform that provides a “town square,” a place we can get past yelling and screaming at each other and perform our Civic Duty. A place to think.

We hope to build a platform that informs, enlightens and empowers.

We hope.

What is civic duty?

Civic Duty is a commitment to our neighbors, our country and ourselves.

We respect the rights, beliefs and opinions of others.

We are to participate in the democratic process to make sure our own voice is heard.

We are patriots. We will question our government representatives, our government decisions and those with the loudest voices.

We will always question.

We are Americans. Democracy is messy. Freedom is difficult.

You are not going to agree with everything.